понедельник, 16 июля 2012 г.

5 Hip Opening Yoga Poses That Are Easy on the Knees

5 Hip Opening Yoga Poses That Are Easy on the Knees
Yoga 5 Hip Opening Poses That Are Easy on The Knees

Tightness in the hips can actually contribute to knee pain, but if you are already dealing with knee issues it can be tough to find yoga poses or stretches that work for your body.

Give these 5 yoga poses a try to help gently open up your hips without causing too much strain on your knees in the process. Of course, it’s important to note that not all exercises are suitable for everyone. If you are dealing with a specific injury or condition be sure to consult your doctor or physical therapist before trying this or any other exercise program.

#1: Triangle

Stand with feet wider than hips (about 3 feet apart) with left toes facing side, right toes forward. Extend arms out to sides of shoulders with palms facing down and engage thighs to avoid locking out the knee joint. Reach out over left leg, slowly lowering left hand below knee – resting it on your shin, ankle or if you can reach the floor. Extend right arm up to ceiling above right shoulder. Focus up towards right hand, or if that bothers your neck, try looking straight ahead or even down at left foot.

Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply; repeat on opposite side.

#2: Supported Forward Fold

Begin seated on pillow (or folded blanket). Extend left leg in front of body, bending right knee to the side, drawing heel in as close to body as is comfortable for your knee. Take a deep breath in, sitting up tall and extending both arms overhead [A].

Hinge forward from hips and bring chest over left thigh, reaching hands towards leg or foot [B]. Fold forward to your own degree, placing hands on thigh, shin, or if you can reach, hold on to your flexed foot for a deeper stretch.

Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply; repeat on opposite side.

#3: Half Straddle Side Stretch

Extend left leg out to side of hip, flexing foot, with left hand resting on left leg. Inhale deeply, sitting tall, reaching right arm overhead [A].

As you exhale, slowly slide left hand towards foot, leaning torso to the left with right arm extending by right ear. Roll right shoulder open and try to gaze up towards the ceiling [B].

Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply; repeat on opposite side.

#4: Modified Lizard Lower Lunge

Begin kneeling on top of pillow (or folded blanket), and take a big step forward with right foot, lining up bent knee over heel, shifting weight forward into right leg. Lower hips towards the floor and lean forward, walking hands to the floor on the inside or right foot. Slowly heel toe right foot open to the side a little wider to sink more easily towards the floor [A].

If thats enough of a stretch, hold this position, if not, try lowering down onto elbows for a deeper stretch [B].

Hold for 30-60 seconds; repeat on opposite side.

#5: Reclining Pigeon

Lie face up with knees bent and feet flat. Bend right knee and cross right ankle over left thigh, opening right knee out to the side as much as possible [A].

If your hips are very tight, hold this position. If you are able, lift left foot off the floor and draw knees in towards chest, reaching under left thigh to pull legs in closer towards body [B]. If you want to deepen the stretch even further, try placing hands on top of left shin.

Hold for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply; repeat on opposite side.

Looking for more knee friendly yoga poses and stretches? Be sure to check out our “Yoga Stretch for Beginners and Beyond” DVD which features two 30-minute practices – an energizing morning routine and a relaxing, evening deep stretch session.

Photo Credit: Vanessa Rogers Photography


Original article and pictures take jessicasmithtv.com site

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