четверг, 21 февраля 2013 г.

7 New Ways To Tone Your Butt, Hips, And Thighs

7 New Ways To Tone Your Butt, Hips, And Thighs

Let's talk legs shall we? Strengthening your hips, butt, and thighs will help you perform better in gym and in life. A strong lower body helps ward off injuries and will help you set a new PR come race day. (Oh hey, here's your new 10K training plan.) It will also make schlepping groceries up a few flights of stairs waaaaaay easier (speaking from experience here).

So how do you get started? Well, you can squat, and squat some more. Or, you can try these seven moves below from Crystal Stein, American College of Sports Medicine Health and Fitness Specialist and a Tier 3+ trainer at Equinox in NYC. (If you want even more lower-body exercises, be sure to check out SELF's 50 Shades Of Glutes.)

Check out the exercises below, then go crazy with that peach emoji.

Single-Leg Squat — do two sets of 10 reps on each side

Single-Leg Squat — do two sets of 10 reps on each side

Sit on chair seat, extend right leg in front of body and lift a few inches off floor, this is your starting position. Drive through left heel to stand without lowering right foot. Pause at top, then push hips back to sit down. Do two sets of 10 reps on each side.

Original article and pictures take www.self.com site

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