среда, 23 марта 2016 г.

'No More Cankles'

'No More Cankles'

Dear Friend,

Media outlets have referred to them as “The new muffin top”, “Even worse than thunder thighs”. They even said that they are “Ten times less attractive than tramp stamps”.

If you didn’t already guess… I’m talking about Cankles.

And if you’re reading this right now, then it's likely that you're also suffering from swollen ankles (or cankles, as the media have christened them) and would like to wave goodbye to them, once and for all so that you no longer have to worry about other people are looking at your ankles, pick and choose clothing to ‘hide’ your ankles struggle to fit into your favourite shoes and boots…

Well the good news is, your dream of living cankle free is a very real possibility. Anyone that tells you ‘surgery is the only way’ is lying to you…

Hello and welcome…

My name is Sahara and I’m a former cankles sufferer. For many years I battled with inner demons and rock bottom self esteem simply because of my swollen calves or cankles. At just 28 years old, rather than being outgoing and comfortable in my own skin, I was constantly paranoid that people were staring at me, judging me because my ankles didn't match with the rest of my body...

Whenever I could, I would avoid going out wearing anything that exposed my cankles to the world. I always packed my cankles into my boots to hide them from prying eyes. I even wore my boots when they were not really appropriate with the outfit that I was wearing. My work life, personal life and even my relationship suffered... I always thought that people were laughing at me when they would see me in public because the rest of my body was normal but my cankles were just so prominent that I thought everyone could see them a mile away.

I was paranoid and depressed…

What made the situation worse was that the ‘professionals’ didn’t really seem to care. My doctor described my cankles as ‘normal’ and that I shouldn’t worry about them because there wasn’t any health risk. I understand where they were coming from and I understand that some people think that I'm silly to care so much about a part of the body that is rarely seen but for me it was my one last part of my body that I had a hang up on so...

..so I simply had to do something about them...

I scoured the internet, reading forum after forum, trying (and failing) with every ‘old wives tale’ solution that I stumbled upon. I’d tried all sorts of crazy leg exercises, eliminating certain foods, eating at different times of the day, fasting, ointments. You name it, i’d tried it!

But nothing worked…

That was until I stumbled upon a personal trainer and physio who claimed that if I worked with her one on one, she could deliver the recipe to completely eliminate my cankles using a combination of methods…

Within the matter of a few weeks, I’d found the answers that I’d spent years searching for and finally found out how to treat my cankles at home.

With your permission I’d like to help you to do the same...

Original article and pictures take sprained-ankle.sprainedankletreatment.org site

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