вторник, 7 июня 2016 г.

Plank Love – 10 Minute Plank Workout

Plank Love – 10 Minute Plank Workout

What’s flat, tight, and burns when you hold it? If you said a plank, you are correct! And if you’re up for a challenge, you have to try this 10-minute plank workout.

10-minute plank workout

Planks are one of those power moves that targets multiple muscle groups and tones and tightens everything you want it to. Need sculpted shoulders for tank top season? Plank. Want a toned core? Plank. Wishing for cut arms? Plank. Dreaming of tightening your tush? Plank. You get the picture.

This workout is only ten minutes but it will leave your whole body burning. And if you are able to get through an entire ten minute circuit holding a plank while performing these variations, then I’m sure you already have the toned, tight, strong areas I just discussed. But if you can’t, no problem-o. Simply sit back on your heels with arms extended front (in a child’s pose position) when you need a break and then get right back in to it. Complete one minute for each variation.

Variation #1

Forearm plank with up-and-down hip raises (tuck your seat and engage your core – belly button to spine).

Hip Raises - Plank Love Workout

Variation #2

Forearm plank with alternating hip taps. Tap your right hip to the ground, keep your seat lifted as you come back to the center, then tap your left hip to the ground.

Side-to-Side Taps - Plank Love Workout

Variation #3

Forearm plank rocking back and forth. Rock your body front to back, all while keeping your core engaged and back straight.

Rocking Planks - Plank Love Workout

Variation #4

Walking plank. Start on your forearms and push up with your right arm to a straight arm plank, then come back down to a forearm plank. Repeat pushing up with your left arm.

Plank Walks - Plank Love Workout

Variation #5

Forearm plank side lifts. Making sure your grounded elbow is directly under your shoulder, lift your hips in up-and-down pulses for 30 seconds, then flip to the other side and complete another 30 seconds.

Lifting Side Planks - Plank Love Workout

Variation #6

Straight arm plank in to spider lunge. Draw one leg up and in to the side of your body, come back in to the original plank position then alternate the other leg.

Spider Lunges - Plank Love Workout

Variation #7

Straight arm plank alternating arm/leg lifts. Lift your right arm and left leg in one cohesive move, come back in to a straight arm plank and then left your left arm and right leg. Keep your core tight as you balance.

Opposite Arm Leg Raises - Plank Love Workout

Variation #8

Straight arm plank in and outs. Start in a plank position and jump both feet in towards your chest, then jump out.

Jumping In and Outs - Plank Love Workout

Variation #9

Straight arm plank twists. Tuck your right foot in towards your left elbow, then alternate sides.

Side Twists - Plank Love Workout

Variation #10

Static hold straight arm plank. FINAL PUSH! Hold for 60-seconds while keeping your abs engaged, back flat and wrists directly under your shoulders.

Straight Arm Plank - final burnout in 10-minute plank workout

Ten whole minutes of pure torture and pure muscle work. Congrats on a job well done! Make sure to hydrate and stretch so you can repeat this workout over and over again!

Original article and pictures take physicalkitchness.com site

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