четверг, 22 сентября 2016 г.

Splits Stretches

Splits Stretches
Tracy Wicklund

Splits seem to be one of the first things new dancers want to accomplish. Once you have your splits, new doors seem to open...obviously a flexible body gives a dancer a real edge. But if you study a picture of someone sitting in a perfect split, it almost looks impossible. How can the human body bend in such extreme ways?

Flexibility is determined by several factors: joint structure, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin, tissue injury, fat tissue, body temperature, age and gender. You can quickly improve your flexibility by stretching. Before you start any stretching exercises, make sure your muscles are warm and your body temperature is raised. You can accomplish this by jogging in place, performing a few deep knee bends, rotating your body at the waist, and doing a few giant arm swings.

How long should you hold these stretches? Lots of people seem to disagree about how long is most beneficial. Should you hold a stretch position for only a few seconds, or would it be more helpful to hold it closer to a minute?

Many dance instructors suggest holding each stretch for about 20 seconds, which seems to be a good common ground...long enough to improve flexibility, but not too long to do damage. Some dancers like to count out loud during stretches to make sure they hold them long enough. Counting aloud also helps ward away boredom.

As you perform the stretches, remember that you should not stretch to the point of pain. Obviously, if you are performing the stretches correctly, you will feel some degree of discomfort, but never true pain. You should feel tension in your muscles, but if the tension becomes intense or uncomfortable, ease up before then you overdo it and end up overstretching or tearing a muscle. Stretch safely to avoid suffering an injury.

Rotate hips
Tracy Wicklund

This is a great stretch for the gluteal muscles, or the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the thigh muscles.

Lie flat on your back. Hold your right foot in your left hand (fingers on the outside edge) with your knee bent. Slowly pull your foot to the side and up toward your head. Use your other hand to push up on your knee. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds. You should feel a good stretch through the buttocks.

Tracy Wicklund

The frog stretch is a great tool for assessing the amount of flexibility you have in your hips. Lie on your stomach with both legs straight behind you. Try to keep your knees against the floor as you join your feet together. From this position, move your feet up together while pushing your knees out to the sides. If your knees can remain on the floor along with your feet, your hips are extremely loose. (Never try to force this stretch, or have a partner push down on your knees. Doing so may cause extreme pain and injury.)

Original article and pictures take www.thoughtco.com site

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