четверг, 16 февраля 2017 г.

The Belly, Butt, And Thighs Workout

The Belly, Butt, And Thighs Workout

Toning your body has never been simpler. This 12-minute strength training routine will tone your abs and reshape your lower body in a balanced way, shrinking and defining your tummy, waistline, hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Be careful not to challenge yourself beyond your limits or, worse yet, to go through the motions and fail to reach your limits! Try to find the fine line between pushing your body just a little past its comfort zone and pushing it into the discomfort zone.

Do this workout three or four times a week.

(Tighten your tummy and tone every inch in just minutes a day with these exclusive ballet-inspired routines from Prevention's Flat Belly Barre!)

Lower-Tummy Firmer (Firms and flattens your lower belly; tones your inner thighs)

I love this ab exercise because it is so effective for both the lower tummy and the inner thighs, working below the belly button.

A. Lie on your back with your arms down near your sides, palms facing down. Grasp the ball between your feet with your legs extended at a 90-degree angle to your torso. You'll really feel it in your inner thighs.

B. Exhale as you curl your lower belly toward your upper belly, lifting the ball up and in. Inhale as you lower. Continue to lift and lower the ball up to 12 times.[pagebreak]

Tummy Flattener (Firms your entire tummy)

This is a great crunch position for beginners who lack the abdominal strength for the traditional crunch on top of the ball.

A. Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels on the ball. Extend your arms toward your knees.

B. Exhale as you lift your shoulders up toward the ball. The ball will shift and move slightly, forcing you to use your leg muscles to keep it from rolling away. Inhale as you lower. Repeat up to 12 times.

Waistline Trimmer (Firms the sides of your tummy; shrinks your waistline)

As with the tummy flattener, this is a great option for beginners who lack the abdominal strength for the oblique twist.

A. Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels on the ball. Interlace your fingers behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.

B. Exhale as you lift your left shoulder toward your right hip. The ball will shift and move slightly, forcing you to use your leg muscles to keep it from rolling away. Inhale as you lower. Then lift your right shoulder toward your left hip. Repeat up to 12 times.


Plank (Strengthens your core muscles; improves balance and coordination; tones your upper body)

In this exercise the ball will shift under your body weight, causing your abdominal and leg muscles to firm as they steady you. You will feel the deepest layer of your abdomen working. This is what will help keep your abs flat.

A. Kneel with the ball about 1 foot in front of you. Place your forearms on top of the ball with your palms together and fingers interlaced. Pull your navel up and in. Contract and "zip up" your abs.

B. Exhale as you lift your knees and extend your legs, balancing on the balls of your feet and your forearms. The closer together your legs, the harder it will be to balance. Hold for up to 1 minute as you breathe normally.

Reciprocal Reach (Strengthens your lower back; improves coordination)

Doing reciprocal reaches on the ball helps keep your pelvis properly aligned, preventing the lower back from arching. It also will challenge your balance as you lift and reach with your opposite arm and leg.

A. Lie with your tummy on the ball. Extend your legs and rest the balls of your feet against the floor. Extend both arms and place both palms against the floor, under your chest.

B. Exhale as you lift and extend your right arm and left leg. Inhale as you lower them. Exhale as you lift and extend your left arm and right leg. Inhale as you lower them. Continue to alternate sides for 12 repetitions on each side.[pagebreak]

Back Stretch (Opens your chest; relaxes your abdomen; elongates your spine)

I like to do this stretch periodically during my abdominal routines to give my tummy a little break.

A. Sit on the ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Walk your feet forward as you slide your torso down the ball until your lower and mid back press into the ball, as shown. Exhale as you raise your arms overhead.

B. Continue to exhale as you lean back over the ball, allowing the ball to support the arch in your spine. Reach your fingertips toward the floor and fully extend your legs, as shown. Then inhale as you return to the starting position, lying back on the ball with your arms down. Stretch back over the ball two more times.

Thigh Blaster (Tones your buttocks; firms the backs of your thighs)

Similar to a squat that you might do at the gym, the thigh blaster allows you to roll up and down on the ball, protecting your knees. The band adds extra resistance, making the exercise more effective.

A. Sit on the ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Walk your feet forward as you slide down the ball, until your lower back rests against the ball, as shown. Your feet should be far enough away from the ball for your thighs to be parallel with the floor. Secure the band under your feet and grasp an end of the band in each hand with your hands by your hips.

B. Exhale as you straighten your legs. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat 12 times.[pagebreak]

Outer-Thigh Toner (Shrinks hips; strengthens your arms)

When you lean your upper body against the ball to do this traditional leg lift, you get two workouts in one. Your upper body will strengthen as it supports and balances your body weight against the ball. The sides of your waist get a workout, too.

A. Kneel with the ball to your left side. Lean your left side into the ball and rest your left forearm on top of the ball for balance. Extend your right leg. Pull your navel in and contract your abs.

B. Exhale as you lift your right leg as high as you can. Inhale as you lower it. Repeat 12 times and then switch sides.

Butt and Thigh Firmer (Tones and lifts your buttocks; firms the backs of your thighs; strengthens your arms)

As with the outer-thigh toner, you'll get two workouts in one as you lean your upper body into the ball.

A. Kneel with the ball in front of you. Lean forward and place your forearms on the ball. Extend your right leg behind your torso, as shown. Pull your navel in and engage your abs.

B. Exhale as you lift your extended leg as high as you can without arching your back. Inhale as you lower it. Repeat up to 12 times and then switch legs.[pagebreak]

Quad Sets (Tones the fronts of your thighs)

This exercise is deceptively more challenging than it appears.

A. Sit on the ball with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Place your palms against the ball for balance. "Zip up" your abs.

B. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Exhale as you lift your left knee as high as you can without losing your balance. Keep your lower back straight as you do so. Don't allow it to arch outward. Hold for 30 seconds, breathing normally, and then release and repeat with the other leg. If you lose your balance before 30 seconds, just put your foot down, reestablish your balance, and try again.

Inner-Thigh Shaper (Firms your inner thighs)

I love this exercise. It's one of the best ways to firm up your inner thighs. You'll simultaneously firm your standing leg as well as the one pressing into the band. Did you know that your inner thigh has one of the most underused muscles of the body? But this exercise targets right there.

A. Stand with the band secured under your left foot. Grasp an end of the band in each hand and gather up the excess until the band is taut. Lift your right leg slightly, bringing the inner edge of your right foot against the band.

B. Cross the band in front of you. Exhale as you press your right foot into the band and bring it to the left. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat up to 12 times and then switch legs.

Leg Circles with Band (Firms your inner and outer thighs; strengthens your abdomen)

This exercise originates from the Pilates method. Adding the band really helps to target your legs and make smooth circles. It also encourages proper body alignment.

A. Lie on your back with your left leg extended on the mat and your right leg lifted toward the ceiling, with the exercise band wrapped around the arch of your right foot. Hold both ends of the band in your right hand at chest level with your elbow bent. Extend your left arm out to the side for balance. Engage your abs.

B. Slowly circle your right foot counterclockwise, dipping down to the floor as you move your foot around in a circle. Make four large circles—exhaling as you lower your leg and inhaling as you raise your leg—and then switch direction, circling clockwise. Then switch legs and repeat.

Original article and pictures take www.prevention.com site

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